Food waste is damaging not only your wallet but the environment. Energy, water and fuel are used in food production and is therefore wasted when the food isn’t consumed. Food that gets thrown away tends to end up in landfill, where it breaks down and produces methane, a greenhouse gas which is believed to affect the Earth’s climate. As a nation, we throw away astonishing amounts of food.

You’ll be glad to know that reducing your food waste can be incredibly easy. Here are five simple steps to waste less food and make your household more economical. Making these minor changes will not only help the environment but will also save you money

1. Plan your meals

Planning your meals and knowing the exact amount of food you need each week will prevent you from buying too much from the supermarket. Also, consider finding a shop that sells loose fruit and veg to avoid buying unnecessarily big packs. It’s also worth educating yourself on portion sizes, do you or a family member tend to leave some food on their plate? If so, consider reducing the number of ingredients to prevent this or make slightly more and use the leftovers as a meal for the following day.

2. Store your food correctly

The way in which you store your food will impact how long it lasts. Storing food incorrectly could make it go off much sooner than necessary, causing preventable waste. Airtight storage boxes should be used to store products such as meat and leftovers. This is the most hygienic option and will stop food spoiling sooner than it should. Always try to fill the box as much as possible – the less air, the longer the food with keep, so its a good idea to have several sizes to hand.

Our food boxes are airtight with an easy-open lid. They are also freezer, microwave and dishwasher safe, and with them being clear you can easily see the contents. Bear in mind square and rectangular boxes will make better use of the space in your fridge. They are of many size options that are stackable, so you’d be able to find the perfect sizes for your fridge.

3. Make use of your freezer

Use your weekends, or whenever you have some free time, to prep a batch of meals for the week. These can then be frozen and defrosted when needed. Our food boxes can be used in the freezer as well as the fridge; the seal will help prevent freezer burn. However, let the food cool before putting it in the freezer to avoid temperature changes.

This process may seem daunting or undesirable at first, but as soon as you experience the smugness that comes with being super organised, it will soon become part of your routine. The satisfaction of knowing that your meals are prepped before the week even begins will save you both time and stress during the week.

4. Get creative with your leftovers

Get creative and try to make a meal out of any food left in your fridge. If you have some leftovers or food close to its use-by date and are unsure how to use it before it goes off, consider making something simple yet tasty such as omelettes, frittatas, soup or sandwiches. If you’re struggling, the internet is full of inspiration!

5. Adopt a labelling or storage system

If you want to take organisation one step further you could label your boxes with their use-by date, or colour coordinate using coloured lids as a system to know what will go off first or what type of food is inside (for example red lids for raw meat), the storage boxes range has different coloured lids such as red, cream, green, etc. Or simply store your food in order – put food that will go off first to the front and new supplies or food with a longer life at the back, so that nothing gets forgotten about.

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