Now You Can Have Pots Like Momma’s!

You know your mother’s collection of everything, pots, cutleries, dishes and dinner sets, pictures, baby socks and dresses, first models of appliances, yep that 1985 model of Kenwood blender that never breaks down. Sure, if you ever held a vintage garage sale, you’d make a fortune (but then yard sales are not yet our thing here in Nigeria).

Sometimes you can’t wait to inherit some of your mom’s stuff or have them gifted to you when you get married especially her pots. These pots were made from the most original of materials during the pre-mass production era, yes the good old days and they never wear out, if you want you can even make them a family heirloom, you know.

I said all these to bring you this breaking news, these pots didn’t faze away with the 80s and 90s, there are here, yep!

When next you’re shopping for those momma’s kinda pots, here are qualities to consider

Ease of cleaning/rate of stickiness: -Some pots are generally easier to clean than others especially the ones with low stickiness rates, choose wisely.

Heat distribution: -some pots cook faster than others because they conduct and distribute heat better hence food cooks evenly all over the pot.

Durability over the years: -Picture this; you’re cooking and you notice unusual puddle of water on the cooker that not from the boiling over of what’s cooking only to find out later that the pot is leaking and they are barely two years old.

Sizes: -having at least five sizes of pots in your kitchen ensures that they are being used uniformly without some working more than others.

No, they don’t have to cost a fortune, consider them essential kitchen investments. Now you can have pots (and other kitchen goodies) just like mom did.
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