All You Need To About a Gift Registry


Have you ever had a sneak peek into the store or garage of a newlywed or perhaps helped them to unpack gifts? You'd find the following gifts well over-repeated, food flasks, sets of kitchen knives, cutlery sets, sets of glass tumblers, wall clock etc. You'd wonder how long it'd take to use all these sets. Most couples end up giving out most of these presents.

Now you may not be able to control what Iya Ibadan or Aunty Abuja would give you on your big day but you can actually communicate your preferred gift options to your friends and some family members. A gift registry is about the best way to nail this.

So what is a wedding gift registry? It is a service provided by an ecommerce site or retail store to assist engaged couples in the communication of gift preferences to wedding guests. Selecting items from store stock, the couple lists desired items and files this list with the chosen merchant. The list is then made available to wedding guests, either by the couple's family or by the merchant.

This may not appear like our traditional way of doing things. You may feel it’s a little awkward and folks will think you’re just after their gifts, not really. Most times folks are even confused on what to present as gifts, hence the very cliché items. You’d be helping them too.

You simply choose your gifts, share with friends and family and other wedding guests and just enjoy your big day. The service is designed to prevent duplicity of presents as well as delivering to your chosen location. It is also possible to get unchecked items at a well discounted price afterwards.

Minimize the clutter that undesired gifts cause, use a gift registry or suggest it to a couple as an event planner. So the steps are pretty easy.

  • Choose gifts.
  • Spread the word
  • Your people make purchases.
  • Gifts are delivered right to your doorstep anywhere in the country.

Easy right?

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