Give Those Walls Life!


Are you indoors right now? Alright if you are, stop, do a 360 degrees turn and scan the walls around you. I’m sure you’ve caught yourself doing this in someone’s home especially when they are not looking. Without walls our homes would just be another hallway or event hall. They are among the first things people notice when they visit our home.

However, the way our walls are designed and decorated has important impact on the overall outlook of the home. Did you know that the decoration of your entire house affects your mood as well as your productivity? A good example is the use of colours around the house.

There are some pieces that would literally bring a jolt of life and add that needed spark, making your home more of a place you look forward to going to at the end of the day’s grind. Here are some of such items.

Kitchen Wall Posters

These designs just say it all, they conjure a certain unique kind of warmth that can only be found at home.

Bathroom Hangers

They aren’t just useful in hanging bathroom linens, they also simple yet strong messages. Indeed, home is where the love is, all of it!


Room/Hallway Wall Posters

These posters are perfect for hallways, front porch or bedrooms. They would sure add that pop of colour and give you the rep of a seasoned interior decorator.


3D Wall Cubes

These are perfect for the sitting room as well as the dining room. It can also fit just fine in a study or an office. They are very versatile as the cubes can be re-positioned to various designs. Use them to hold décor pieces such as miniature sculptures.

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