Tips to Get Rid of a Sticky Iron Surface

Have you ever had your favourite white shirt stained by a sticky pressing iron on rampage? It hurts! You just stand there and watch in utter horror with a zillion thoughts running through your mind on how to get it out. It is not even enough to get rid of the stain on your garment, the iron must also be prevented from wrecking further damage to your wardrobe. We’ve put together a list of DIY tips and tricks that you can easily try at home with items you most likely already have in store.

Baby Powder

Using baby (or any regular talc) powder, while iron is cool, using a piece of cloth, like a napkin. Apply the powder, then turn up the heat and wipe off excess powder.


Apply some toothpaste directly onto a cool iron plate, being sure to hit trouble areas. Rub the toothpaste off with a clean cloth, then set the iron on steam and steam a cloth for five minutes.

Salt and Paper

Sprinkle a little salt on the paper (newspapers would work just fine), run the hot iron over the salt back and forth like you’re ironing the paper, it won’t remove all the stain but it would take the stickiness away, comes in handy when you’re in a hurry and still got more ironing to do.

Lemon juice and Baking Soda

Take one tablespoon of baking soda (please note that baking soda is not the same as baking powder), squeeze out one medium sized lemon.  In a bowl, mix thoroughly, apply with a brush or fingers on the stained iron surface, wipe with a wet cotton cloth, you can apply two or three times to get a more shinny look.

Using Baking soda and water

Mix 1 tablespoon water and 2 tablespoons baking soda into a smooth paste. The paste should be a bit runny, but still thick enough so that it can stick to the plate of your iron.

Spread the paste on the iron’s plate using fingers or a spatula. Leave for a few minutes, depending on how much dirt there is. Using a clean wet cloth, wipe off the paste. Dip a cotton swab in water and use to clean the steam holes. Fill the iron water tank, turn on the iron to medium heat, put on the steam to remove any of the mixture in the steam holes. If there is any old water leftover in the iron, be sure to empty it out first.

Iron a clean cloth for a few minutes to test-run the newly-cleaned iron.  A kitchen towel will probably work well for this.
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