Six (6) Things You Need to Set-Up a Romantic Dinner

Some moments in our lives are priceless. They are memorable and set the precedence for greater dimensions in our relationships. A romantic dinner is one of such. See, romance is a flame that must be forever rekindled, it shouldn’t be a game played so well this season and then ignored or abandoned later. It's a simple yet effective way of saying, after all these years, you still mean a lot to me!

Some say it’s an art that must be mastered, others feel it is naturally bestowed. Wherever you fall in your beliefs, romance is essential if we must maintain that glow that first shone in and on us.

A special dinner is a great way to up your romance game. Sharing a meal with your significant other, taking out time out of a busy schedule could work winders. Considering giving it a shot? Here are what you’d need.


The meal

Carefully pick out a menu, could be three-course, let it be his/her favorite meal or one that holds fond memories. Be sure to choose dishes, cutlery, napkins and glasses in the colours that they like.



The dimmer the light. The better the ambiance, use candles and candle holders to give you appropriate lighting.



Again to achieve a perfect ambiance, be sure to have relaxing music playing in the background, jazz works like magic!



Whether on the table or as a first gift when the person arrives, flowers just say a lot.



Make sure it’s the person’s favorite brand or type whether red, white or bubbly. Also have good glasses to enjoy it with.



Finish on a grand scale. There are a ton of ways to do this; you can hire someone to sing her favourite song, show him old pictures that are dear to his heart, a reminder of a project done back in the days,  it could even be a gift or a replay of fond memories shared.

Finally, don't be afraid of not getting it right, the thought alone would be well appreciated, that you even put in such efforts in the first place. Trust me, you can pull this off!
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